Custom Setting Methods

Custom settings methods are all instance methods, that is, they are called by and operate on a specific instance of a custom setting. There are two types of custom settings: hierarchy and list.

All custom settings data is exposed in the application cache, which enables efficient access without the cost of repeated queries to the database. However, querying custom settings data using Standard Object Query Language (SOQL) doesn’t use the application cache and is similar to querying a custom object. To benefit from caching, use other methods for accessing custom settings data such as the Apex Custom Settings methods.

Custom Setting Examples:-

The following example uses a list custom setting called Games. The Games setting has a field called GameType. This example determines if the value of the first data set is equal to the string PC.

List<Games__C> mcs = Games__c.getall().values();
boolean textField = null;
if (mcs[0].GameType__c == 'PC') {
  textField = true;
system.assertEquals(textField, true);

The following example uses a custom setting called Foundation_Countries. This example demonstrates that the getValues and getInstance methods return identical values.

Foundation_Countries__c myCS1 = Foundation_Countries__c.getValues('United States');
String myCCVal = myCS1.Country_code__c;
Foundation_Countries__c myCS2 = Foundation_Countries__c.getInstance('United States');
String myCCInst = myCS2.Country_code__c;
system.assertEquals(myCCinst, myCCVal);

Hierarchy Custom Setting Examples

In the following example, the hierarchy custom setting GamesSupport has a field called Corporate_number. The code returns the value for the profile specified with pid.

GamesSupport__c mhc = GamesSupport__c.getInstance(pid);
string mPhone = mhc.Corporate_number__c;

The following example shows how to use hierarchy custom settings methods. For getInstance, the example shows how field values that aren’t set for a specific user or profile are returned from fields defined at the next lowest level in the hierarchy. The example also shows how to use getOrgDefaults.

Finally, the example demonstrates how getValues returns fields in the custom setting record only for the specific user or profile, and doesn’t merge values from other levels of the hierarchy. Instead, getValues returns null for any fields that aren’t set. This example uses a hierarchy custom setting called Hierarchy. Hierarchy has two fields: OverrideMe and DontOverrideMe. In addition, a user named Robert has a System Administrator profile. The organization, profile, and user settings for this example are as follows:

Organization settings

OverrideMe: Hello

DontOverrideMe: World

Profile settings

OverrideMe: Goodbye
DontOverrideMe is not set.

User settings

OverrideMe: Fluffy
DontOverrideMe is not set.

The following example demonstrates the result of the getInstance method when Robert calls it in his organization:

Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getInstance();
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Fluffy');
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == 'World');

If Mukesh passes his user ID specified by mukeshId to getInstance, the results are the same. The identical results are because the lowest level of data in the custom setting is specified at the user level.

Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getInstance(mukeshId);
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Fluffy');
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == 'World');

When Mukesh tries to return the data set for the organization using getOrgDefaults, the result is:

Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getOrgDefaults();
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Hello');
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == 'World');

By using the getValues method, Mukesh can get the hierarchy custom setting values specific to his user and profile settings. For example, if Mukesh passes his user ID mukeshIdto getValues, the result is:

Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getValues(RobertId);
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Fluffy');
// Note how this value is null, because you are returning
// data specific for the user
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == null);

If Mukesh passes his System Administrator profile ID SysAdminID to getValues, the result is:

Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getValues(SysAdminID);
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Goodbye');
// Note how this value is null, because you are returning
// data specific for the profile
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == null);