OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow In Salesforce
You can use the username-password flow to authorize a client via a connected app that already has the user’s credentials. However, we recommend avoiding this flow because it passes credentials […]
Send PDF as Attachment in Visualforce Page
This blog will help you about How we can send an email with an attached file in it through Visualforce and Apex. Here I am using two Visualforce pages, first one […]
Can we perform DML using wire service ?
NO, we can only receive the data and we cannot mutate/change the data using wire service. The wire service delegates control flow to the Lightning Web Components engine. Delegating control […]
Attachment to File Conversion in Salesforce Using Apex
Salesforce introduced Files related list in Winter’16, and now Salesforce is going to replace Notes and Attachment section with Files. Basically, Files that you upload to the Notes & Attachments […]
Salesforce Lightning Aura Method
aura:method Use aura:method to define a method as part of a component’s API. This enables you to directly call a method in a component’s client-side controller instead of firing and handling a […]
Application event in Lightning AURA component
Lightning framework is based on event-driven architecture which allows to communicate between different events. Lightning events are fired from JavaScript controller actions that are triggered by a user interacting with […]
Component event in lightning component(AURA)
Component Events are fired by the child components and handled by the parent component.A lightning framework is an event driven architecture i.e communication between the components takes place by using […]
Slot in LWC (Lightning Web Component)
A slot (<slot></slot>) is a placeholder for markup that a parent component passes into a component’s body. The concept is similar to Visual Force’s composition. The idea is basically to use […]
Call Apex Method in LWC (Imperatively and Wire Service)
There are two ways to call Apex method from Lightning Web Component like: Wire methods take care of the entire life cycle of an attribute when it changes, including fetching […]
How to get current recordId in LWC
By using force:hasRecordId interface in Aura component we can get the id of the current record however in LWC it is very easy to get the id of the current record. In […]