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Apex REST Annotations In Salesforce

The @RestResource annotation is used at the class level and enables us to expose an Apex class as a REST resource.
To use @RestResource annotation, an Apex class must be defined as global.

This deletes the specified resource.

This returns the specified resource.

This updates the specified resource.

This creates a new resource.

This creates or updates the specified resource.
To use @HttpDelete, @HttpGet, @HttpPatch, @HttpPost, @HttpPut Apex method must be defined as global static.

What is the difference between @HttpPatch & @HttpPut in Salesforce?

This updates the specified resource.Replace the part of  resource with the request received.
This creates or updates the specified resource.Replace the entire resource with the request received.

   global with sharing class getAccounttoSingleRecord {
      global static Account fetchAccount(){
        Account obj=new Account();
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
        string accId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
        obj=[Select id , name from Account where id=:accId];
        return obj;

What is OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow In Salesforce

How to work OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow for Web App Integration in Salesforce

Scanario 1. Just taking about live scenario, For now we have two ORG, ORG A and another ORG B.What we will doing today is we will try to fetch an account from ORG B and show that using the Visualforce page in ORG A.

Scanario 2. Just taking about live scenario, For now we have two ORG, ORG A and another ORG B. ORG A record will pass to ORG B webservice, The webservice will than create the same record in ORG B.